Jiuhui Power Supply

6-DZM-45 电动车电池

6-DZM-45 电动车电池
名称 : 6-DZM-45 电动车电池 (Storage Battery)
规格 : 6-DZM-45
材质 : 高纯度铅 (High Pure Lead)
应用 : 电动车电池 (Electric Bike Battery)
品牌 : 久汇电池 ( JiuHui)
电压(V) : 12V
是否密封 : 密封(Sealed)
长(mm) : 224±1
宽(mm) : 135±1
高(mm) : 177±1
重量(kg) : 14.687
是否维护 : 否(Free)
常规容量(AH) : 45AH
种类 : 铅酸 (lead acid battery)
极板 : 铅钙 (Lead calcium)
电解液 : 触变硫酸(Sulfuric Acid Thixotropic)


1. 采用优质合金作板栅材料,抗蠕变、耐腐蚀、优良导电性、析气量少、失水率低。

2. 长寿命活性物配方,具有极强的耐深充深放循环能力。
3.  采用特制超细纤维小孔径AGM隔板和紧装配工艺,避免短路故障发生。

4.  电池外壳采用增强ABS塑料制成,用改性环氧树脂密封胶密封,耐腐蚀,无酸液泄露。

5.  电解液采用高纯度硫酸和独有添加剂配制而成,确保电极性能最大限度发挥,并有抑制短路和自放电的产生。

6.  正常使用无须加酸补水,免维护,如因使用条件影响,失水较多时,也可以补加蒸馏水以确保电气性能的正常发挥。

7.  胶体电池的特点:先进的密封结构,无漏液、池壳无鼓胀,电解液无浓度分层,充电接受能力强,失水少耐过充过放电能力强,荷电保持能力强。

Key Features:

1.Superior alloy in grid materials,excellent creep resistance,corrosion resistance,electrical conductivity, low amount of evolved gas, low rate of water loss.

2. Long-period active materials formula,deep cycles,charging and discharging.

3. Special hyperfine fiber,small-bore AGM septum and tight assembly process for avoiding short circuit.

4. Intensive ABS plastic on battery case,modified epoxy resin sealant for seal,no acid liquor revealing.

5. High purity of vitriol and particular additive in electrolyte to make sure our electrode performance is maximized,restraining short circuit and self discharge.

6. Free maintenance,no requirement of additional water or acid. It's ok to add distilled water if operating environment is bad.

7. Other features of gel batteries : advanced sealed structure,no leakage,no swell on shells, no stratification of electrolyte density,strong receptivity of charging and charge retention.